Currently, dietary supplements have become an essential part of our daily diet. However, what are the supplements that should be present in every household? And what is their importance for all family members, starting from young children, through the teenage and young adult stages, to elderly stages? This type of product is considered a medical supplement that can be purchased without a prescription or doctor’s permission to obtain or consume. In this article, we will discuss the most important basic dietary supplements that every individual in the family needs.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that plays a crucial role in bone health. One natural way to obtain it is through exposure to sunlight. However, it is often difficult to get enough of it through sunlight alone. Therefore, obtaining a dietary supplement that contains vitamin D is a good option for the family. Here are some common medications that contain vitamin D:
Important dietary supplements that contain vitamin D:
- Calcitriol: It is an active form of vitamin D.
- Cholecalciferol: It is an inactive form of vitamin D that needs to be converted into an active form in the body.
- Doxercalciferol: It is another form of inactive vitamin D that needs to be converted into an active form in the body.
Recommended dose:
When taking dietary supplements, the allowable doses should be determined based on several factors, including age, gender, and general health status of the individual. In addition to the type and concentration of the dietary supplement, it is important to follow the dosage instructions mentioned on the supplement packaging. If there are no clear instructions, it is preferable to consult a doctor or pharmacist to determine the appropriate dose. dietary supplements that contain Vitamin D isn’t an easy choice for regular person, so most times Vitamin D dietary supplements are determined by one.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is an important dietary supplement as it is a necessary vitamin for multiple bodily functions, including red blood cell production and nervous system health. While it can be obtained from animal products such as meat, dairy, and fish, it may not be sufficient through diet alone. Therefore, taking vitamin B12 supplements can help individuals who don’t get enough through their diet alone. Here are some common medications that contain vitamin B12:
Important dietary supplements that contain vitamin B12:
- Cobal tablets
- Betolvex injections
Recommended dose:
It is important to determine the appropriate dose for vitamin B12 based on each individual’s personal needs. It is always advised to consult a doctor or pharmacist to specifi the health condition and determine the appropriate dosage to meet the individual’s vitamin B12 needs. The following are important factors that influence the recommended dose when taking vitamin B12:
- Age and gender: The vitamin requirements may vary based on age and gender. For example, adults may need different doses compared to children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding women.
- Health condition: Some health conditions may require higher doses of vitamin B12. For instance, individuals with vitamin deficiency anemia (pernicious anemia) may need higher doses to compensate for the deficiency.
- Dietary intake: Individuals following a strict vegetarian diet (devoid of animal products) may require additional doses of vitamin B12 as it is primarily obtained from animal sources.
- Individual’s overall health: Some individuals may have difficulty effectively absorbing vitamin B12 from food, such as those with digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease or stomach inflammation. They may need higher doses or regular use of vitamin B12 supplements.
Omega-3 is a type of essential fatty acid that plays a crucial role in heart and brain health. It can be obtained from fish such as salmon and tuna. However, if fish is not part of your diet, considering taking a dietary supplement containing omega-3 may be beneficial. In general you can find that the greatest value of Omega-3 Dietary supplements is used by athletes as they need it in their lifestyle regularly.
Important dietary supplements that contain omega-3:
- Omegat capsules
- Omega RX
- Omega 3 Plus
Recommended dose:
The recommended dose for omega-3 supplements can vary depending on individual needs and health conditions. It is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist to determine the appropriate dose for omega-3 supplementation.
Omega-3 from dietary supplements is safe, and determining the recommended dosage is not a complicated matter. You can easily read the medical leaflet attached to the supplement package to know the appropriate dosage for you. It is advised not to exceed that dosage without consulting a specialist doctor. Sometimes, you may find that you don’t need to take a supplement dose, such as when you are having fish for lunch that day, for example. In general, read the medical leaflet to determine the dose; you won’t need more than that. Omega-3 supplements are generally safe, even when taken with many other medications.
Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in bone and dental health. It can be taken as an important dietary supplement at different stages of life. It is necessary for anyone, especially if you consume a large amount of carbonated beverages (regardless of their harmful nature, and we advise you to stop consuming them). It is also important for children in the growing phase who have difficulty consuming dairy products or who have lactose intolerance.
Important dietary supplements containing calcium:
- Calcium Carbonate
- Calcium Citrate
Recommended dosage:
The allowable dosages of calcium supplements depend on several factors. For example, age group is one important factor. Children require certain amounts of calcium during their growth for bone development, while older adults may need it to maintain bone health. Health condition is also relevant to age group. Your child may be unable to consume dairy products for any reason, so they will need calcium supplements during their growth phase. Alternatively, if your body is lactose intolerant, you will need a dietary supplement to compensate for the absence of dairy products. In the end, if you have problems absorbing calcium, the food you consume may not provide you with the required dosage of this nutrient, so you will need a supplement to meet your required dosage.
In conclusion, Outlet pharmacies are distinguished place where you can obtain various medical products. If you are looking for different types of dietary supplements, whether for yourself or a family member, you will undoubtedly find what you are looking for inside the pharmacy. Especially if you are looking for discounted prices for these essential products, Outlet pharmacies provide all the medical products you need with discounts that are not available elsewhere in the country. It is the best grocery store for your health condition.
Source: Altibbi Website